A Wellpark Production for Channel 4

The Weddings page of the Brighton and Hove Gazette. August 1980. Twenty couples all on one page – captured for a moment in time. What would happen to those happy, smiling couples once they embarked on married life together? What would the intervening 25 years bring with them? Wedding Days proved to be a fascinating journey – a charming, moving film that provided a social history of Britain, a unique perspective of both marriage and of the last quarter of a century. Not only were you able to see how society and married life had changed over this period, you were also able to see what did - and did not - make for a happy marriage… What also marked the film out was the remarkable honesty of all the contributors, their  willingness to talk about the ups and downs of married life  on camera. This was a film that was much loved by audiences and sold very well overseas.

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DVD (PAL-UK & Europe) £15 + P&H

DVD (NTSC-America) Approx.$20+P&H

Graham Smith

Tony Meering

Steve Isles

Clive Davis

Associate Producer
Sam Emmery

Executive Producer
Grant McKee

Nick Follows

Produced And Directed By
Sue Bourne